Irish Lotto Number Generator

Irish lotto generator will choose the numbers for you. All you have to do is choose the number of lines you want to generate and press the button β€žGenerate numbersβ€œ. Within a few seconds, the system will display 6 numbers from 1 to 47.

Number generator Irish Lotto

How many lines?

If you are not satisfied with the generated numbers make a second attempt by pressing the button β€žGenerate new numbersβ€œ.

Get your lucky numbers generated by the machine and then swap the numbers (digits). For example, take 12 and turn it into 21. In the case of big numbers such as 19 leave 19 as it is because the system would not allow 91.

Actual Irrish Lotto jackpot

Current jackpot
3 200 000 β‚¬
Warning: Play and gamble responsibly | Gambling may be addictive 18+ | Underage gambling is an offence | When the fun stops, stop.