Slots and gambling addiction – Do you have a tendency to gamble?

Gambling has been with us almost since time immemorial and is the favourite type of entertainment of a high percentage of the population. Most people can keep their passions in check and use the game only for fun and are aware of the fact that it costs something. Even if they sometimes win, often the player has to deal with a situation where he loses some resources. Are you one of these players or are you having trouble playing? Read our article in which we will advise you on how to proceed to get rid of addiction or how to not become addicted.

Yes, we are a website focused on gambling, lotteries and casino bonuses, but we do not want our visitors to fully surrender to gambling. That’s why we put more effort into writing this article. By reading the article, you prevent addiction, and if you are already addicted, the article will advise you on how to proceed to get rid of it. Remember, gaming is primarily for fun!

History of Gambling

Before we look at how to help a gambler, let’s take a brief look at the history of gambling. According to archaeological research, the first gambling games appeared around 40,000 years ago. Other similar games of chance date back to around the 7th century BC. Card gambling then originated in France in the 14th century. The first slot machine was produced in 1891 by the American company Sittman & Pitt.


Slots history

However, many Europe rulers were afraid of gambling. They were afraid of theft and other crimes that could be associated with gambling and the addiction that comes with it. Therefore gambling itself was often illegal. Today, of course, times are different, gambling is mostly accessible to all citizens of legal age. We thus encounter addiction to slot machines and gambling much more often.

The history of gambling in our country

Even the UK did not stand aside from the development of gambling. How it was here with bets, lotteries and gambling under the previous regime, see the video below. Do you find the video as funny as we do?

Causes of gambling addiction

There can be several reasons why a player becomes addicted. It’s very often an escape from reality that players don’t like for some reason. There can be many other problems behind this, for example:

  • Divorce
  • Death of a loved one
  • Frequent stressful situations

While players realize that “banging crates” won’t solve problems, going to play is a temporary solution that distracts them from reality.

Another cause of addiction can also be a bad social background. This is especially true for teenage gamblers. Many addicted gamblers then also say that gambling was to make their get-rich-quick happen. As you can see, there are many reasons. The player often does not even realize that he is addicted to betting. He can often lose family, friends, a roof over his head and all his money.

I am a genius

Some pathologically addicted gamblers have the idea that they are geniuses who have come up with the perfect strategy to cheat the slot machine. There is no strategy for these slots, so the winnings are just an interplay of chance and luck.

Online slots are always about coincidence. There is no way to outsmart them!

Who is most vulnerable to gambling?

It is not possible to specify who is at risk of gambling, more precisely pathological gambling. People with college degrees and people who have barely finished elementary school become addicted to gambling. Likewise, the amount of monthly income does not matter. Everyone is at risk of gambling addiction.

The truth is that men are more often addicted. People who have more free hours and more disposable cash (not to be confused with higher income!) become addicted more often. But the interesting thing is that people under the age of 34 are more likely to play online, slot machines and similar forms of gambling. People above this age are more likely to be addicted to lotteries and scratch cards.

Symptoms and causes of gambling

Although each gambler’s addiction is different, the symptoms of slot machines and other gambling addictions are usually the same. If you notice some points of addiction in your family members or close friends, maybe it’s about time to start taking action. So what are the symptoms?


Gambling addiction feelings

I play to live

For most gamblers and people addicted to slot machines, the game itself becomes the main purpose of life. So family, hobbies, and work go aside. This, of course, leads to detachment from social ties, but often also from income. If the addicted player has not played for a long time, he is very nervous and irritable.

I will be rich one day

Addicted players also often think that one day they will spin the slot machine, win a large fortune, get out of debt and start enjoying life. Unfortunately, it usually ends with gamblers losing a lot of money, not even a penny left for betting and slot machines, and instead of the dream win comes depression, severing of social ties and a very difficult and painful return to normal life.

The “proven” rule: “Bet more, win more” is also a big problem. Players often try to make up for their loss by multiplying their bets. Of course, this doesn’t work, and the players thus get into more and more problems connected not only with finances.

Other symptoms

Addicted players also often suffer from psychological problems, can’t sleep well, can’t concentrate and are often consumed by feelings of guilt. This then leads to gamblers losing track of time or control over their finances. Often, addiction to slot machines becomes part of other addictions. Primarily drug or alcohol addiction.

This creates another problem. Players are increasingly playing under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This brings with it a reduced perception of risk and therefore a willingness to take more risks. This then leads to the player losing even more money and further compounding the problem.

How to recognize slot machine addiction

Slot machine addiction has very similar symptoms to gambling addiction in general. Addicted players lose interest in family and loved ones. They are sleepless and distracted. They are also often nervous, and unable to keep calm.

Addiction to slot machines also entails higher expenses, which the addicted players are unable to explain. This then leads to lies and further alienation from your partner, family and friends. Debts or pledges of tangible and intangible assets are often added to this. Some addicted players also resort to theft. This then leads to other problems.

How are you doing, you may ask? Take the gambling test:

There is a so-called gambling test. Based on simple questions, you can find out how you are doing with slots and gambling in general. What does the Gamblers Anonymous test look like? Answer the questions yes × no. The more ‘Yes’ options you choose, the greater is your gambling problem.

  • Have you ever wasted work or study time due to gambling?

  • Is gambling making you unhappy at home?

  • Has gambling damaged your reputation?

  • Did you feel guilty after gambling?

  • Have you ever gambled to get money to solve financial problems?

  • Has gambling reduced your ambition and performance?

  • When you lost, did you feel like you had to win back the money you lost as quickly as possible?

  • When you won, did you have a strong desire to go back to gambling and win more money?

  • Have you gambled often and for a long time until you lost all your money?

  • Have you ever borrowed money to gamble?

  • Have you ever sold something to gamble?

  • Were you afraid to use your gambling money for other purposes?

  • Has gambling caused you to not care for the welfare of the family?

  • Have you ever gambled longer than you intended?

  • Have you ever used gambling as an escape from sorrows and worries?

  • Have you committed or considered committing an illegal act to have money to gamble?

  • Has gambling caused you trouble sleeping?

  • Have you developed a desire to gamble after arguments, dissatisfaction or disappointment?

  • When you won, did you want to continue playing for hours?

  • Have you ever thought about suicide or self-harm because of gambling?

Self-help gambling treatment

Self-help gambling treatment is very difficult, it requires a huge amount of self-discipline, which is what very often the addicted gambler does not have. The start is to stop investing in gambling. Don’t spend so much time on slot machines and gradually get rid of your addiction to them. It’s a nice theory, but not very feasible in practice. Thus generally, outpatient treatment, or even residential treatment, must begin. It always depends on the level of addiction.

How to heal from gambling addiction

The first and very important step for any player is to admit that they are indeed addicted. It is therefore important to visit a doctor or seek professional help if pathological gambling is suspected. Gambling addiction treatment is often treated like other addictions. The goal of such therapy is, of course, complete abstinence. If an addicted gambler were to return to gambling, it could lead to more and bigger problems. It is not unusual for players to heal more than once.

Basics of player therapy

The basis of therapy for addicted gamblers is primarily psychotherapy. This includes lifestyle changes, work with a psychologist, stress suppression, but also various relaxation methods to help the player relax. It is stress that is a frequent culprit of pathological gambling.

The next important step is to change the way you handle money. It is necessary to start comparing debts, to agree on repayment schedules and to change the overall financial literacy of the given person.

Institutional care

Ambulatory care is the first step in recovering from gambling addiction. If it is unsuccessful, the player aims for constitutional care. But it is not possible to command it. It depends purely on the willingness and will of the addicted player. During institutional care (treatment), the daily regime is already adjusted.

The basis is primarily the interruption of playing and the limitation of the availability of gambling to the addicted player. Similar to outpatient treatment, institutional care also requires a change in treatment and thinking about money. Overall lifestyle modification and prevention of relapse to gambling is very important.

Group outpatient therapy is also often used for prevention. With it, re-treatment occurs in a wider circle of previously addicted players. This has a positive effect on the player’s psyche, and the risk of returning to gambling addiction is therefore smaller.

Therapy and treatment of gambling Gambling addiction prevention

Pathological gambling can of course be avoided with good prevention. You can start it yourself, or you can ask for help from someone close to you. The basis is good relationships with your loved ones and efforts to reduce stress. These two factors are a very common co-occurring phenomenon in addicted gamblers.

If you’re playing at brick-and-mortar casinos, ideally go with a bunch of friends. Then all of you leave together. It is also recommended to have a smaller amount of cash with you. Then you won’t have the urge to bet on and on, i.e. lose more money.

It is also appropriate to improve your lifestyle. Start doing more sports, the body will then have sufficient discharge and endorphins. Then the brain will not run away to gambling. It’s also a good idea to find out if you have any ex-addicted gamblers in your family, or if you have a positive relationship with risk-taking.

Gaming limits in online casinos

Online casinos must by law allow players to set limits. In total, you will encounter three categories of limits. There are a total of 7 limits in the categories that you need to set. Within the categories, you will encounter:

  • Setting financial limits (Limit of bets per day and for the whole month + limit of the net loss amount per day and the whole month)
  • Setting the length of play(Total time logged in per day and pause after logging out)
  • Setting login limits (Total number of logins per month)

Game limits in online casinos are one way to get rid of slot machine addiction. Unfortunately, if you are already a long-term addicted player, such a solution is insufficient and it is necessary to seek professional help.

Self-exclusion possibility

If you think that you are spending too much time or money on gambling, whether online or on gambling premises, then you can ask to be self-excluded.

Self-exclusion is a simple tool that is used by those who have recognised that their gambling is harmful to them (they are getting addicted). It is for those who wish to be supported to stop gambling.

Where to look for help

In today’s internet age, it is possible to find relevant sources of help online. Of course, you can also visit various workplaces where they will help you with your addiction. Below is a list of several websites where you can learn more about addiction and help for pathological gamblers.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Check out the frequently asked questions and answers on the topic of slot machine addiction as well.

  • How do I know if I’m addicted?

    Addiction reveals itself primarily in the loss of social ties, nervousness, and insomnia. Financial problems are often added. You simply cannot function without gambling. When you don’t have access to a slot machine, you only think about the time until you sit down again.

  • Treating addiction to slot machines

    It is advisable to seek professional help. Self-treatment for addiction to slot machines and gambling is very difficult and in many cases practically impossible. So use the links in our article. Addiction treatment is most often done on an outpatient basis, or in an inpatient setting.

  • Is there a prevention against slot machine addiction?

    Yes, there is! It is ideal to work with stress and consider any lost money as lost. It is also a good idea to set limits for online casinos. If you have a family history of gambling, it is possible to register on the Self-exclusion possibility voluntarily.

Game limits in online casinos are one way to get rid of slot machine addiction. Unfortunately, if you are already a long-term addicted player, such a solution is insufficient and it is necessary to seek professional help.

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